Rabu, 03 Agustus 2016

Dalem Balingkang Hiden Temple

A remote temple which has its own character in term of infrastructure and architecture. Dalem Balingkang is located in Pinggan village  nearby the Bali geopark of Mount Batur. The rural village road is quite accessible by normal vehicle such as van and mini bus. It is easy to reach the location from Kintamani main road next to Pura puncak Penulisan temple as a main gateway to Balingkang.
This secret temple  acquaints  two different  cultures as a result of a collaboration of Balinese and Chinese culture. It can be seen from the existence of  Buddhist temple around Dalem Balingkang temple area.
The whole lands are around 15 hectare amid lush rainforest  which is also coiled by small river as a source  of water supply for the Locals. A feeling of peacefulness   penetrates the  soul  when start walking from  a vibrant entrance onto few amount of stairs  through main pavilion.  Dunes of hills, a chain of mountain such as Mt. Batur , Mt. Abang and Mt. Agung  creates  the surrounding atmosphere is totally outstanding. 
The history of Dalem Balingkang temple is summarized from several point of view as follow :

*Purana of Dalem Balingkang

This information illustrating a king of Bali named Sri Aji Jaya Pangus with  his queen Sri Parameswari Induja Ketana who lead and managed Bali very well with full of prosperity. The kingdom  was firstly based in the highland of Panarajon. Once , there was an issue concerning the intention of the king to marry beautiful girl a daughter of Chinese businessman  who dedicated herself  as an attendant in the kindom. Her name is Kang Cing We. Shortly ,the wedding ceremony was finally held although there was a disregard from one of King’s duke called  Mpu Siwa Gandhu which was also ruled as one of important  priest in the kingdom . He claimed that the marriage is unacceptable because both have different religion. King is a Hindhu and Kang Cing We is a Buddhist.
Knowing that the King ignored the advisory , Mpu Siwa Gandhu decided to not staying at the kingdom anymore and dropped himself to a forest for meditation. He was disappointed and could not consider the decision of the king for not following the procedure of the kingdom itself. During the mediation, Mpu Siwa Gandhu prayed and made wish to create force majeure around the kingdom area with a most disaster of heavy rain and storm during the 5 weeks .
It happened along with a great disaster that ruined the whole infrastructure. This made the king and few of his remaining people left the kingdom to one of place near Mt. Batur called Jong Les  in Pinggan village. At the place he did meditation to get blessing from the God built a new kingdom which is now well known as Dalem Balingkang.
With his both queens  Sri Prameswari Induja ketana and  Kang Cing We he began to maintain and lead society with prosperity.

2.       *Based on the folk mythology around Baligkang

There were two kingdoms  located in Panarajon plateau and the one in Kuta Dalem  lead by King Jayapangus . He has a wife named Dewi Mandul . Mandul means someone who cannot get pregnant .This  caused there was no generation in the kingdom to replace the King, while  he really want to have a son. Once at the time , the king stroll down the market I Kuta Dalem and saw a beautiful girl one of Chinese businessman’s daughter. Then the king felt in love and intended to marry her on a backstreet treatment  without any proper marriage ceremony that supposed to be witnessed by all important people in the kingdom. The wedding was also held without his first queen acknowledgement.
This action was finally disregarded by God Ciwa, he asked the king and both wives to leave his kingdom. King Jayapangus got out descend the hills down to the North east . The god Ciwa created heavy storm and rain during his journey and once in a while, Kind Jayapangus found a place called Mt. Lebih to take a rest and did meditation. During the meditation , he prayed to all Gods and Goddess   to get some clues and blessing  how to face the trouble . Fortunately, he received  an advise to keep going down the hill until he can find a place where the storm could stop. Finally , he and his wives  arrived in a place where there was no longer stormy rain. The place called Dharma Anyar, that was a place for  Hindhu holy priest   to do a meditation. He remembered the message from the Gods to create a sign and build a kingdom there. He then began to maintain the new kingdom and had a son from his Chinese wife Kang Cing We that was well known as King Mayadanawa who live in Pejeng Village near Tampak Siring. He was also popular with his name King Bedahulu. As time was passing, the remaining Kindom  that has been disappeared is now dedicated to worship the king and queens  which is called Dalem Balingkang. 

3.       *Based  on Kekawin of  the Barong Landung .

He lived with his wife Dewi  danuh a prince from Bali aga or (Balinese origin) in the mailnland of Panarajon. The king keened on writing prasati  about Hindhu ceremonial event.
Once in a day, a Chinese named Dewi Ayu Subandar came to the kindom as a merchant together with a beautiful lady named Kang King We. Then she was staying in the kingdom become an servant of  Mpu Lim. As time passing the king felt in love with her and wanted to marry her  which finally result as a marriage. The king instructed to all people to prepare a ceremony and celebrated it with happily  throughout all villages. This news has passed onto the Minister “ Mpu Siwa Gandhu “. And he was aware that the decision of the king to marry another girl is wrong since the king has had a wife already. In addition Kang Cing We is a Buddhist. He then advised the king to not marry Kang Cing We, but the king ignored the  notification.
Due to this contradiction , Mpu Siwa Gandhu decided to leave the kingdom and went to the jungle for meditation .He prayed and begged to the God to create a disaster  which finally ruined the kingdom in Pnarajon. He king and her wives moved to Jong Les or Dalem Balingkang and re established the kingdom in this place. He then has a son from the first wife “Dewi Danuh” , and became a king in Bedahulu in Gianyar regency named Maya Denawa, while his second wife Kang Cing We has not  born any children.
One day the first wife has passed away and the kind wanted to have another son by doing mediation and yoga on the top of Mt. Batur. After a long while the king has not returned to his kingdom, Kang Cing We missed her husband and decided to visit him. But something unexpected happened. She saw his husband was being together with a beautiful girl on a romance moment. This girl is actually the king’s first wife who is now become the goddess of Lake Batur  “ Dewi Danu”. She intentionally met the king and examined his meditation. Kang Cing we was getting angry to see the drama and she scorned that woman. This made Dewi danu was being mad and killed Kang Cing We by burning her. This also happened to the King Dewi Danu also killed him because of his sin to claim himself as an unmarried man.  This news was spread out amongst the society and knowing what’s happening, people came to the place where  both King and Kang Cing wi  died.  To show their dedication, people prayed and begged  to Dewi danu  with a  wish to get  both of their king and queen  alive as normal.
To see this true willingness , finally Dewi  danu

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